Monday, November 22, 2010

Our Offerings....

Content and Curriculum
Our curriculum is based upon the unique I CUBE approach created by an in-house team of  researchers.  This  curriculum  shall  be provided in the printed/ digital format along with audio visual and other teaching aids.

Play/Learn Equipment/Furniture
Equipment  is  sourced  by  us  at  wholesale rates to save your valuable time and money for the  same.

Latest Learning Aids
All  aids  used  to  accelerate  the  learning process required by teachers for imparting quality education shall be provided by us.


Curriculum  training  shall  be  imparted  to teachers on an ongoing basis. Training for counselors on effective enquiry conversion shall also be undertaken.

A detailed sessions plan, process standard document  and  corporate  identity  manual shall be provided.

We shall help you identify and select the right candidates.

 Clearly Defined Territory
We  assign  a  clear  defined  territory  to  our Business Partners.

Product Development
The   benefits   of   ongoing   research   and development shall be transferred to you to keep abreast of the times as per the policy.

 Advertising & Promotion
We shall provide requisite marketing support to propagate the various programs at JUNIORS through regional/national platforms. Sales & Marketing tools (art pulls, brochures, leaflets, posters,  audio  visual  commercials)  as  and when  developed  shall  be  sent  as  per  the policy

Total Online Support
Our state of the art interactive website offers online support.

Orientation program
An  orientation  program  shall  be  held  for training  the  you  and  key  personnel.    The Franchisee  Orientation  Programme  aims  at helping  you  understand  the  Pre School business and transferring the knowledge aware gathered by us.

While you are running the pre-school business, our relationship will also be blossoming, your faith in the product and our trust in you would be higher. This then would be an opportune moment to further our relationship by introducing the next block, i.e., std I to  IV in your territory and of course, the healthy cash  flow  of  your  pre-school  business  would support the introduction of this block.

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